_ Mời bạn đọc đăng ký làm thẻ để được sử dụng tài liệu hoặc liên hệ số điện thoại: 0985803323
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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
A new method to implement AFij at core routers in diffserv networks
The most complicated part in DiffServ implementation belongs to AF BHP. Indeed, the complication of AF comes not only from its architecture, but also from its goals. This paper will propose a method to implement AFij of AF BHP at core routers in DiffServ networks. Using this method, we can make AF subclasses (AFij ) easily. Moreover, the performance of the system will be better since the mechanism has congestion control ability and fair...
9 p thuviendanang 27/12/2017 497 1
Từ khóa: Tạo chí tin học, Điều khiển học, A new method to implement AFij, Riffserv networks, Kiến trúc dịch vụ, Mạng dịch vụ
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